Re: Paging and SQL queries

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri May 25 2007 - 05:45:18 EDT

  • Next message: Adrian Wiesmann: "Re: Problem with DataFormat and XML Serialise/Deserialise"

    Hi Ari,

    On May 25, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > Q1: So, my first question is why is Cayenne doing this? If paging
    > is switched on, shouldn't Cayenne be fetching only the primary keys
    > and then faulting in the particular records it needs in full?

    The default strategy, as implemented by
    org.apache.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultList, is to run a full
    query to fully resolve page #1, but only read id columns from the
    result set for pages 2, 3, etc... This strategy bets that a single
    fat SQL query with full ResultSet fetching, but without reading
    unneeded columns is faster than a PK-only query followed by a second
    query to resolve page #1.

    In some circumstances this is true, in some (like yours) it is
    clearly not. I am leaning towards making a second strategy the
    default, as paginated queries are really intended for the huge result
    sets... Anybody has other thoughts on that?

    > Q2: Would it more more efficient from a db perspective to use the
    > " IS IN (?, ?, ?...)" style syntax here instead or does it
    > make no difference? I don't know enough about SQL optimisation to
    > know either way, but at least the SQL is shorter (which might be
    > good!).

    Can't comment on the performance - this has to be checked against a
    specific DB, but the OR syntax is more generic, as it handles
    compound primary keys, while IN would only work with a single column PK.


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