Re: Cayenne & VMBuild

From: Brett Porter (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2007 - 19:58:26 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Cayenne & VMBuild"


    On 12/07/2007, at 6:08 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Hi Brett,
    >> Cayenne currently have a build set up in It's
    >> been down for little bit, but is now back up.
    > Didn't know it was.

    Yep, though it's all in an error state so I guess it wasn't in use
    for some time.

    >> vmbuild is scheduled to be moved to a faster machine, and I intend
    >> to install a more recent build of Continuum (that supports
    >> grouping projects and is generally faster, more managable and more
    >> stable). I'm able to help get it set up as effectively as possible.
    > That's cool. So I understand it is running Continuum? We had a
    > discussion about setting up a CI server, and various options were
    > mentioned, such as Anthill, Bamboo, etc. Essentially we wanted
    > something reliable and low maintenance.

    Ah yes, I remember the thread now.

    > I have no idea how much work Continuum setup and ongoing
    > maintenance would take. But if we can get help with initial setup,
    > this might change the equation. So what do we have to do to get it
    > going?

    Within the next week the VM should be up, and shortly after I'll
    install Continuum and get some monitoring on it. It might take a
    little bit to stabilise completely, but the intent is that you are
    able to self manage your projects, schedules, builds and
    notifications, but the software itself should just keep running. If
    it doesn't work out for you, you can always set something else up
    later :)

    In the mean time - you can check out
    continuum/ to investigate the (non-admin) features of Continuum.
    There'd be more available to project administrators.

    I'll get back in touch once the server is running to help you get
    started and configured as you like.


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