Re: Java 5

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Aug 06 2007 - 12:22:22 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Java 5"

    I think there are ways to fully port 1.5 stuff to 1.4 (yes - except
    for bytecode format). There is an open source project somewhere that
    does back-compiling. But I'd rather we avoid more temporary hacks.
    There is nothing that is pressing us to switch, so we can wait and
    pick the right time. I'd say the main motivation for the switch is
    convenience for us and our 1.5 users. Everything else (such as new
    API's) is a bonus, but not a requirement.

    This is why I think Kevin's idea of a user list poll is great - we'll
    have a good picture of whether the time for the switch has come.


    On Aug 6, 2007, at 7:02 PM, Craig L Russell wrote:

    > I don't have details in front of me, but I understand that many of
    > the popular Concurrent classes have been back-ported to Java 1.4.
    > If you like, I can get more details if you can't find it on the
    > Internet.
    > The back-port classes don't use the new Java byte-codes that were
    > added in Java 5 so there still is some performance improvement in
    > Java 5. But if the alternative is to require Java 5, some users
    > might want to take a bit lower performance instead.
    > Craig
    > On Aug 6, 2007, at 8:19 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> On Aug 5, 2007, at 5:39 AM, Kevin Menard wrote:
    >>> the new concurrent API could yield significant speed improvements.
    >> Being all backwards compatible, I haven't played much with that,
    >> but I suspect that things like ConcurrentHashMap should help us to
    >> improve throughput of DataRowStore and EventManager. So I am
    >> softening my stand against 3.0 switch to Java 5 :-)
    >> Maybe a poll on the user list is a good idea?
    >> Andrus
    > Craig Russell
    > Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
    > 408 276-5638
    > P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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