I just recently got a replacement system, but it came with Tiger.
I've gotten the upgrade DVD now, but was going to wait until 10.5.1
was out. What kind or problems are you running into? Is it with Java
1.4 or 1.5?
On Nov 7, 2007 1:36 PM, Kevin Menard <kmenar..ervprise.com> wrote:
> Just a head's up for the Mac users . . . I've been less than pleased
> with the experience of using Java on Leopard. I've had a lot of
> problems with IntelliJ and even running ant and maven from a command
> line. So much so that I'm likely to just use my bootcamp partition
> until I can get around to reinstalling Tiger.
> As always, YMMV, but just thought I'd throw out that caveat.
> Kevin
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