Re: EmbeddedAttribute superclass

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Dec 16 2007 - 07:28:08 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: EmbeddedAttribute superclass"

    On Dec 16, 2007, at 1:49 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > Current EmbeddedAttribute extends Attribute, but I wonder whether it
    > should be extending ObjAttribute.

    I don't think it meets a criteria for inheritance, not with
    ObjAttribute superclass in its current form, as EmbeddedAttribute has
    no dbAtributePath.

    > If it were to do so, lots of nice simplification will be had by
    > having getAttributes return Collection<ObjAttribute> rather than
    > Collection<Attribute> (and the equivalent for getRelationships and
    > also the same for DbEntity).

    Actually there is a bigger problem that prevents us from making these
    simplifications. And that is "coincidental" common superclasses:
    Entity, Attribute, Relationship. I.e. IMO Db* and Obj* should not be
    in the same hierarchy. But changing that now with backwards
    compatibility in mind is fairly non-trivial.

    > If not, then there appear to be places in Cayenne which assume the
    > collection just contains ObjAttributes:
    > EntityMergeSupport.getMeaningfulFKs() (line 170)
    > PrefetchProcessorJointNode (line 205)
    > and more...

    Correct, this assumption is no longer true.

    > It does seem to me that EmbeddedAttribute should logically extend
    > ObjAttribute since it is a specialised case of one. What do you think?

    I don't think one should inherit from another (see above). Having a
    common superclass for both may be more appropriate.


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