Re: svn commit: r605850 - in /cayenne/main/trunk/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/java/org/ apache/cayenne: ./ access/ access/jdbc/ access/types/ dba/ dba/openbase/ dba/oracle/ dba/sqlite/ dba/sqlserver/ exp/parser/ query/ reflect/ util/ wocompat/

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Fri Dec 21 2007 - 09:50:16 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "StringBuilder"

    On 12/21/07 2:03 AM, "Tore Halset" <> wrote:

    > On Dec 20, 2007, at 22:49 , Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    >> I agree that it can be confusing in some cases, but it isn't like we
    >> can just switch it off. The places where it is confusing is where it
    >> happens without you realising it is happening.
    > Thanks, I have realized that now. It is not possible to get it turned
    > off by not using it as it can pop up everywhere. So I rest my "-1" and
    > are now a "+0" on this issue :)

    There's actually an inspection in IDEA that will detect autoboxing so you
    can undo it. Granted, Eclipse is the development tool of choice for the
    project, but I find it nice to float between the two. In any event, if it
    were a big problem, I could periodically scan the code base and deal with.

    Sounds to me like it isn't all that necessary anyway, so this is more of an


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