Re: [CONF] Apache Cayenne: XML Mapping File (page edited)

From: Terrence A. Pietrondi (
Date: Sat Dec 22 2007 - 14:07:40 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik (JIRA): "[JIRA] Created: (CAY-948) Implement flattened attributes in Cayenne"

    In response to:

    I wanted to add a few notes on my objective when
    adding the contents to the wiki. There were two
    topics: (1) the key generation topic, and (2) the
    attribute mappings.

    (1) I added these notes to make mention of how to
    handle key generation when this action is not handled
    by the database, and without changes to the database.
    So in my case, we wanted to increment the max for each
    additional entry to the table (pretty basic). So in
    order to tell the new entry to the table its id, I
    needed to set its ObjectId with one that I came up
    with. All seemed to work well. In a threaded
    environment, I think this would work since the select
    and addition are all part of the same transaction on
    the database. I added this because I didn't see how to
    do this in any of the available documentation.

    (2) I needed to handle getting the property name of a
    column in a table in the Java class by only knowing
    the field and table names (the physical database).
    Since I wouldn't always know how every field might map
    to a property name, I entered the looping to do a
    match and then pull the property value with the

    My apologizes for not placing these topics on the
    correct pages of the wiki. I wasn't sure where they
    might of fit, so I took a shot. Andrus mentioned maybe
    on the FAQ pages.

    Andrus also mentioned that the implementation was
    controversial. Could anyone explain this more, and
    expand on public ObjectId.getReplacementIdMap() beyond
    the Javadoc.


    Terrence A. Pietrondi

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