On Jan 26, 2008, at 00:05, Tore Halset wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2008, at 22:34, Kevin Menard wrote:
>> PostgreSQL 8.2: FAIL (74 failed tests)
> Here, only(?) one failed. It was
> merge.CreateTableToModelTest.testAddTable. I am looking into that
> one now.
It was one of those issues with lower case table names in PostgreSQL.
I have fixed it in trunk (r615410).
> Did you do a "createlang plpgsql databasename"? I got fooled by that
> one before.
>> Derby: FAIL (9 failed tests)
> Oups, mostly merging. I'll have to work on this..
pom.xml asks for derby "alter table ... drop column ..." was
added in derby 10.3. is from december 2006 and the first 10.3
is from august 2007. Would it be ok to bump up to derby 10.3 for trunk?
After upgrading to 10.3 (locally) and patching some small issues in
trunk (r615405), I got the merging part of derby running. Only(?) the
following 3 issues left with derby.
I think we should go for Derby 10.3.
- Tore.
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