Re: Disabling javadoc generation

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2008 - 04:40:16 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Disabling javadoc generation"

    I still have a script running which generates nightly javadoc for the
    web site, but it goes through the opposite hurdle: it needs to perform
    a full install in order to create a source jar which can be used to
    create the javadocs. If the javadocs were just created from the source
    itself that step might not be needed.

    Kevin, if you are tinkering with the build script maybe you could
    figure how that ties together. I'm growing to hate it less, but maven
    still makes my head hurt.

    Also I notice we have 24 javadoc errors [1] which might be because the
    javadoc maven target doesn't reference the right packages. I mean,
    while you are there :-)

    While I think of it, should I add a link to the nightly build [2] to
    our site?



    On 07/02/2008, at 8:21 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Yeah, javadocs creation is slow. Still IMO it should be included in
    > "mvn install" from the root dir. But note that it is generated as a
    > part of the docs module, so you don't have to include it when
    > building *code*. E.g. you can build from "cayenne/framework"
    > directory, and this will produce runtime jars, but skip the docs.
    > Andrus
    > On Feb 7, 2008, at 12:48 AM, Kevin Menard wrote:
    >> Would anyone object to the disabling of javadoc building by
    >> default? The
    >> javadoc generation seems to dominate every other phase in my
    >> building and
    >> accounts for 50% of the total time to build. Moreover, most of the
    >> time I'm
    >> not even going to use that javadoc because I'm building to test
    >> something.
    >> Obviously, I'd still push it through for any released artifacts,
    >> but it
    >> strikes me as being unnecessarily time consuming in everyday use.
    >> If no one objects, I'll dig into how to do this in maven, as I'm
    >> not even
    >> sure how to control it quite yet.
    >> Thanks,
    >> Kevin

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