Ari, I took a glance at the code you sent me and on first look, it
appears to be similar to what I did for my Cayenne 1.2/2.0 enum
support (using Java 1.4 only, though) and the current stuff I'm
adding. I'll get to work on it again in the next few days, but wanted
to give you a little feedback.
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Aristedes Maniatis <> wrote:
> On 26/02/2008, at 1:43 AM, Michael Gentry wrote:
> > I did some work on extended enumerations (where the DB value can be
> > defined) this weekend
> Interesting. If this list passes through my attachments, I've included
> some classes from our ROP project which might help give you another
> example of how this might be used. They are ExtendedTypeIntegerEnum
> which is an interface implemented by IntegerEnumType (server side
> only) and ClassCostType (an example enumeration which is available to
> both client and server).
> The naming and docs could be better but it works pretty well. Despite
> the copyright headers, you have permission to use any bits of this you
> find useful. As you can see, the approach is quite similar: a
> persistent value and a display value (for popup menus for instance)
> declared in the constructor.
> Ari
> -------------------------->
> ish
> Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
> phone +61 2 9550 5001 fax +61 2 9550 4001
> GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C 5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A
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