[jira] Commented: (CAY-289) Implement Quoting of identifiers

From: Tore Halset (JIRA) ("Tore)
Date: Fri Feb 29 2008 - 08:37:16 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik (JIRA): "[jira] Commented: (CAY-289) Implement Quoting of identifiers"

        [ https://issues.apache.org/cayenne/browse/CAY-289?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=12753#action_12753 ]

    Tore Halset commented on CAY-289:

    For PostgresSQL (at least) this behavior should be optional.

    In our project we do not care about the case of the column and table names. They are upper-case in the model. If cayenne would start using "" around each column and table name, then we would have to change all of our tables and columns to be created with "" as well. And that is a lot of work for nothing! It would not help to change to lowercase in the model as that would break other databases.

    Still for PostgreSQL:
    "create table A; select * from "A"" does not work as the table name is "a".

    > Implement Quoting of identifiers
    > --------------------------------
    > Key: CAY-289
    > URL: https://issues.apache.org/cayenne/browse/CAY-289
    > Project: Cayenne
    > Issue Type: Improvement
    > Components: Cayenne Core Library
    > Affects Versions: 1.2 [STABLE]
    > Environment: Linux, Sun JDK1.5, MS SQL Server 2000, jtds-1.0, Croatian locale
    > Reporter: Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic
    > Assignee: Andrus Adamchik
    > Fix For: 3.0
    > Say a table "t0" has an attribute "my attrib 0".
    > You correct the obj-attribute to, for instance, "my_attrib_0", but the db-attribute is still "my attrib 0".
    > When you try to run a query on "t0", the generated query looks like:
    > SELECT ..., t0.my attrib 0, ... FROM dbo.t0 AS t0
    > This, obviously, can't possibly work.
    > The correct SQL would be:
    > SELECT ..., t0.[my attrib 0], ... FROM dbo.[t0] AS t0
    > Notice the square brackets arround the attributes and table names: that makes the string a valid attribute or table name valid.
    > A further improvement might be to add the database name:
    > SELECT ..., t0.[my attrib 0], ... FROM [dbname].dbo.[t0] AS t0
    > I mention it because I use the quantum plugin as a database access plugin and it complained about a table called "dbo.tablename" (as I believe it should) and all was well when I used mydbname.dbo.tablename.

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