Some suggestions

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Fri Aug 08 2008 - 07:14:43 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Some suggestions"


    My activity as a GSoC student comes to its end. Anyways, I'd like to stay.
    The reasons are obvious: I like Cayenne, I wanna become an Apache committer,
    ORM is useful in 90% business applications. That's why I'm going to publish
    here some of my suggestions, things I would like to see improved in Cayenne.
    Probably I had to do this before the summer :-) Few of these I have more or
    less implemented or worked around in my local version.

    1. Reverse engeneering.
      I would really like to be able to specify my own naming strategies for
    entities, relationships etc. For instance, I hate 'to' prefix. I think it
    was introduced to separate DbEntity's attrs' and rels' names. Still,
    I'd prefer dropping it for Obj Relationships names. Also we may want to look
    at column name. For instance, I have a table PERSON with FATHERID and
    MOTHERID. I think getFather() and getMother() methods in my Person class
    look much better that getToPerson1() and getToPerson2()!
      Something similiar is in CAY-402 and CAY-457. Still, i wouldn't go as far
    as implementing removing plurals. Just an interface anyone can implement
    would go.

    2. Core API.
      Generified SelectQuery (and related classes) is the thing Cayenne
    definitely misses. I think I've seen some discussion about it, so maybe
    someone is currently working on it. This doesn't seem too hard of a task, we
    must just look at correct deprecating of present methods, which take Class
    as parameter (like SelectQuery constructor).

    3. Expression API.
      Some improvements must be made with in-memory validation. For instance, if
    "count" is an integer field, expression "a='0'" (note quotes) will work in
    query (because all DBMS i know have automatic type convertion) and will not
    (throw an exception). Also i suffered problems when checking relationships -
    there is a bug of comparing PersistentObject to ObjectId somewhere.

    4. ROP
      I haven't thought of how to implement this yet, but nested contexts are
    needed on client side. Most three-tier apps I know have rich GUI (like
    Swing), with dialogs for editing data - nested contexts here will be on
    their natural place there.

      Some thoughts about removing "Client classes have to be available to the
    server JVM" limitation. My colleague once shared experience, that if client
    and server classes are in same package, client classes are not needed on
    server. I.e. client objects are serialized and server objects
    are deserialized. If we could somehow tell Hessian that package of classes
    may change, that'd solve a problem.

    I also have some thoughts about CM usability, but I'm a bit tired of modeler
    now, if you know what I mean :-) Maybe later.
    I would appreciate any comments and suggestions.


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