HSQLDB table modes

From: Kevin Menard (nirvdru..mail.com)
Date: Sat Aug 23 2008 - 11:13:53 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard (JIRA): "[jira] Commented: (CAY-1039) Log level INFO for error at creating db table should be WARN"

    In his patch for CAY-1095 [1], Robert indicated that we should be created
    HSQLDB tables as cached. Not being overly familiar with it, I looked into
    the matter a bit, and I don't think it would pose any serious backwards
    compatibility issues for us. And it does indeed seem to bring a lot of
    benefits, save in the case where a database is small enough to fit entirely
    into memory. Before I go make the change, however, I wanted to know why we
    weren't doing it in the first place and if there's any reason that we

    [1] -- https://issues.apache.org/cayenne/browse/CAY-1095


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