[jira] Closed: (CAY-1104) Modeler misses new renamed attributes, relationship mappings

From: Andrus Adamchik (JIRA) ("Andrus)
Date: Mon Sep 08 2008 - 03:15:12 EDT

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         [ https://issues.apache.org/cayenne/browse/CAY-1104?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

    Andrus Adamchik closed CAY-1104.

        Resolution: Fixed

    > Modeler misses new renamed attributes, relationship mappings
    > ------------------------------------------------------------
    > Key: CAY-1104
    > URL: https://issues.apache.org/cayenne/browse/CAY-1104
    > Project: Cayenne
    > Issue Type: Bug
    > Components: CayenneModeler GUI
    > Affects Versions: 3.0
    > Reporter: Andrus Adamchik
    > Assignee: Andrus Adamchik
    > Fix For: 3.0
    > Attachments: fix-scenario1.txt, fix-scenario2.txt
    > Something else is badly broken on the trunk compared to M4.
    > Scenario 1:
    > 1. Add a new DbAttribute to an existing DbEntity.
    > 2. Rename it from default "untitledXXX" to something else.
    > 3. Go the ObjEntity of this DbEntity and try to add a new ObjAttribute
    > At this point the list of DbAttributes still lists "untitledXXX" , not the new name of the new DbAttribute.
    > Scenario 2:
    > 1. Add a new DbRelationship between 2 existing DbEntities
    > 2. Open join mapping dialog and select source and target keys
    > 3. Close join mapping dialog
    > 4. Open it again
    > At this point join target is blank

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