Re: cayenne-tutorial

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Oct 26 2008 - 09:37:36 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "[ANN] New committer -- Robert Zeigler"

    As an FYI, this seems to be a bug in the Confluence Auto Export plugin
    - an incorrect version of the image is picked when there's more than 1
    version of the same image uploaded on the page. So I deleted and re-
    uploaded such images, and now waiting for the change to propagate to
    the site.


    On Oct 26, 2008, at 9:27 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Aha... The screenshot problem was related to the site publishing
    > problem - the latest images weren't pushed to the live site. So
    > while I am working on straightening that out, you can use the
    > offline tutorial that can be found in the docs included in the
    > Cayenne download (the start page is "cayenne-2.0.x/doc/index.html").
    > Andrus
    > On Oct 26, 2008, at 9:15 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> Hi Matt,
    >> On Oct 25, 2008, at 6:33 PM, Matt Crouch wrote:
    >>> I have several questions about the cayenne-tutorial project and
    >>> CayenneModeler
    >>> 1. I'm having some problems with the UI in CayenneModeler. When
    >>> adding
    >>> an attribute, I tab over to "Type" and expect that I can select
    >>> using
    >>> arrow keys or typing. If I type a letter, the dropdown list arrow
    >>> appears, but I can't change it's value. Is this normal?
    >>> 2. In the DbRelationship Info dialog box I can't tab among inputs. I
    >>> can tab to "Reverse Relationship" and back, but no further -- i.e.
    >>> only the TextFields. If I do tab further, I can't get back inside
    >>> them.
    >>> Those aren't that important, just annoying as I can't stand having
    >>> to
    >>> use the mouse for everything.
    >> Fair enough. Even in substantially reworked and improved
    >> CayenneModeler 3.0M5 (which is coming out soon), tabbing behavior
    >> is far from ideal. Something we'll need to improve upon.
    >>> 3. There seem to be inconsistencies in the field naming in the
    >>> tutorial. The data model at the top
    >>> (
    >>> )
    >>> indicates that ARTIST's primary key is called "ARTIST_ID", but the
    >>> text says
    >>> "Let's rename it to ID, make it an INTEGER and make it a PK:"
    >>> The graphic immediately below this also indicates that the field is
    >>> actually ARTIST_ID
    >>> I didn't mind this and assumed a simple typo in the text, but
    >>> GALLERY's primary key is just called "ID", for which see the "Repeat
    >>> this procedure for PAINTING and GALLERY entities." graphic.
    >>> 4. The result of the above is that you can't actually do the
    >>> "Mapping
    >>> Database Relationships" section. If my ARTIST pkey is called
    >>> ARTIST_ID, that field is only available as a Source, not a target,
    >>> for
    >>> the relationship
    >>> After experimenting a bit, I discovered that if I ignore the
    >>> graphics
    >>> and call the field ID, I can get the result from this section -- but
    >>> *only if I create the ARTIST_ID field in the
    >>> PAINTING entity first.
    >>> I was inclined to think that the text simply forgot to say "make
    >>> additional attributes to match the data model above" or something,
    >>> but
    >>> in this case the primary keys would be called ARTIST_ID,
    >>> PAINTING_ID,
    >>> etc. rather than just ID
    >>> I find this pretty frustrating. The tut says I should repeat these
    >>> steps for other relationships, but I can't tell if these were done
    >>> right, because of the inconsistencies.
    >>> M
    >> The 3.0 version of the tutorial has the DB schema diagram correct.
    >> "Repeat" means map all columns from the schema:
    >> Thanks for sharing the problems that you had - let me replace the
    >> broken Modeler screenshots and clarify some points in the text.
    >> Andrus

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