Re: M5? [Was: Date of next release?]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Nov 20 2008 - 12:46:51 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: M5? [Was: Date of next release?]"

    Sure. Even when we tag it, there will be some testing period. Only
    after we have a tag, we'd have to commit bug fixes in two places.
    Anyways, I'll wait for your confirmation before creating a tag.


    On Nov 20, 2008, at 7:31 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

    > Please hold the release for a bit. I'd like to make a little change in
    > modeler
    > 2008/11/19, Kevin Menard <>:
    >> I'm still having some difficulty reproducing the problem with
    >> CAY-1058. It is something I'm actively looking into, but I also
    >> don't
    >> think it's large enough to warrant holding up a release. We can mark
    >> it as experimental in the docs and move on with the release.
    >> --
    >> Kevin
    >> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 8:23 AM, Andrus Adamchik <
    >> >
    >> wrote:
    >>> So any comments on CAY-1135 and CAY-1058? If not, I think we can
    >>> tag the
    >>> release and start testing.
    >>> Andrus
    >>> On Nov 19, 2008, at 3:20 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>>> Hi Borut,
    >>>> Nice site :-)
    >>>> M5 is coming out soon. As far as I can tell there are only two open
    >> Jiras
    >>>> against it: CAY-1135 (which is likely not a bug, but rather a local
    >> machine
    >>>> config issue) and CAY-1058 (which I also think is not a bug). So we
    >> should
    >>>> actually tag the repo and proceed with testing and release of M5.
    >>>> Can't comment on tapestry-cayenne...
    >>>> Andrus
    >>>> On Nov 19, 2008, at 2:49 PM, Borut Bolčina wrote:
    >>>>> Hello,
    >>>>> what is the current status of the next milestone release? I am
    >>>>> having a
    >>>>> problem using Cayenne 3M4 with tapestry-cayenne 0.2-SNAPSHOT.
    >>>>> Can both
    >>>>> projects be released soon, as the latter is only compatible with
    >> Cayenne
    >>>>> 3.0-SNAPSHOT? We are planning to use Cayenne Tapestry combo for
    >>>>> next
    >>>>> project
    >>>>> (hundreds of thousands of daily users) and this is currently a
    >>>>> setback
    >>>>> for
    >>>>> us.
    >>>>> Thanks,
    >>>>> Borut
    >>>>> P.S. Andrus, I have one more success story. This is the frontend
    >>>>> app (
    >>>>> which is using Cayenne on the frontened and
    >>>>> there
    >>>>> are
    >>>>> also some backend services using Cayenne (C3M4). It is a iGoogle
    >>>>> like
    >>>>> "portal" which we are planning to upgrade in the near future -
    >>>>> that is
    >>>>> why I
    >>>>> am nagging about the compatibility issue also discussed at

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