Re: [VOTE] 3.0M5 Release

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Dec 04 2008 - 03:20:16 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [VOTE] 3.0M5 Release"

    On 03/12/2008, at 12:10 AM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > I'm raising the vote release Cayenne 3.0 M5. I've prepared and signed
    > the 3.0M5 binaries and they are available here:
    > Here is my +1 for the release.

    It is looking good and everything seems to be in the OSX build
    correctly, although I'll do a little more testing. I am curious about
    the layout of certain folders though:

    1. I've never known what "dotemplates" means. Could we rename that to
    something more obvious like "entity templates"
    2. Is v1_2 confusing since it doesn't match the Cayenne versioning and
    there isn't any sense of how 1.2 relates to 3.0M5.
    3. Can we get rid of the deprecated templates outside the 1.2 folder
    which really shouldn't be offered for use. If people are already using
    old templates, then let's support them, but let's not encourage their
    4. Should we create a schema for the Cayenne XML format? It should be
    quite simple I think and Cayenne modeler could even perform integrity
    checking to ensure generated models match the schema.
    5. There should be separation of the third-party libraries into
    separate folders. Some are needed by Cayenne core, some only by the
    modeler or cgen (eg velocity) and one by JPA.

    I don't think any of the above should hold back release, but I wanted
    to mention them while I was looking at these things.


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