Re: SwixML

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Dec 12 2008 - 09:03:10 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: SwixML"

    Thanks, Adrian. I'll take a look at it sometime this weekend. For my
    own uses, though, I really only care about Swing. (Well, Swing is my
    main consideration -- I want a cross-platform GUI even though I'm a
    Cocoa guy, so I have to use Swing or make it web-based somehow.) I'm
    wanting to re-write/clone DBEdit (from WebObjects/OpenStep) into a
    Cayenne application (kind of like Cayenne Modeler). I liked the idea
    that SwixML (and a few of the others, I suppose) stored the UI
    description outside of the Java code (more like a Cocoa .nib file).


    On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 3:04 AM, Adrian Wiesmann <> wrote:
    > Hello Michael
    >> > Does anyone have any thoughts on SwixML? I'm considering using it to
    >> > make a Cayenne-based application/tool.
    > I looked into SwixML and other similar libraries some time ago. Back then
    > I was looking for a library with which I could have some level of
    > abstraction where the same UI description file could be used to render
    > Swing, HTTP and PDF/Excel/Whatever.
    > What I did not like with the most libraries I was evaluating was that the
    > binding was more of a hassle than I liked. XUL was too complex, others
    > included scripting which we did not like in our project.
    > So in our project we then finally decided to create our own engine. Some
    > very early introduction can be found on this site:
    > With Gozer it is possible to have 1 XML file containing the layout and
    > binding information and render this to Apache Wicket (http), Swing, FOP
    > and Excel.
    > To connect Gozer with Cayenne we had to write some extensions to Cayenne
    > (named Jalapeņo). These are DataContainer, DataTable, DataRow and
    > DataRowKey.
    > If you are interested in some more details, please drop me a note.
    > Cheers,
    > Adrian

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