CAY-1173 Expose QueryLogger invocations as events

From: Anatol Lutski (
Date: Mon Feb 09 2009 - 10:14:26 EST

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    Hi, guys.

    I work together with Andrus and have a chance to take part in Cayenne-
    I've just added my first patch to the mentioned task and it's very
    important for me to know your feedback.

      "innitial_steps_log_ProcedureAction.txt" is an initial step of
    implementation. Statistics collection is shown by the example of
    The main idea is to have pair of events which will be generated in the
    beginning and in the end of each transaction/action execution, and
    also to have one event which saves logging info immediately. We need
    this action because it's necessary to save executable sql before start
    - in order to check it in the case of an error.
    OperationObserver is present at any moment of an operation execution.
    So it's used as a statistics collector.
    DefaultStatisticsCollector - a new base abstract class implementing
    additional functions for collecting info. All classes which now
    implement OperationObserver have to extends this one. (It's a reason
    why the code ins't compiled - cause the declaration was changed only
    for DataDomainQueryAction).

    Some notes about classes.
    New events: ActionFinishEvent, ActionStartEvent, FixInfoEvent,
    TrxFinishEvent, TrxStaetEvent.
    EventFacade - static class, used for posting events in different
    places of framework.
    Configuration - initialization of the listener
    LoggingListener - default processor of Events.
    DataNode, ProcedureTranslator - here you can see how the event which
    immediately saves info in log is posted
    BaseSQLAction - here log info is being collected in Observer
    ProcedureAction- the pair of start and finish events is generated

    Please check the main idea. If everything is right I add the same
    logging for the rest of the actions.

    WBR, Anatol.

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