PropertyUtils compiled accesor for nested properties bug?

From: Damir Bijuklic (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2009 - 17:40:06 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: CAY-1173 Expose QueryLogger invocations as events"

    Hi, I have encountered a bug in PropertyUtils.createAccessor function. Currently it assumes nested properties are all based on the same class. So for example if I had User and Person objects in 1:1 relationship i could access (starting from user) "login" property, but could not access "" property beacause it assumes "name" is based on User, rather than Person. To fix it BeanAccessor should note propertyType from property descriptor, so it can be used when iterating path components in createAccessor(), after accessing first property. I would reopen CAY-945 or add a new ticket but jira won't let me log in or send me my password?? I can send a patch, but the code is quite trivial. Thx Damir

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