RE: Cayenne support for quoting of identifiers

From: Zissis Trabaris (
Date: Sun Feb 22 2009 - 04:37:04 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: svn commit: r747308 - /cayenne/main/trunk/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/test/java/org/apache/cayenne/map/"

    Excellent! I will run our models through it. Thank you for all the hard
    work on this one.

    Zissis Trabaris * Chief Technology Officer * INSYSWARE * 3235 West River
    Road, Grand Island, New York, 14072, USA
    Mobile (716) 930-5654 * Office (518) 636-4118 * Fax (716) 625-1305 * *

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    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrus Adamchik []
    Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 10:31 AM
    Subject: Cayenne support for quoting of identifiers

    Folks, sorry for cross-post, but I figured this feature is critical to
    many people, and warrants an early announcement.

    We finally did it - Cayenne now supports optional db-specific quoting
    of identifiers in the generated SQL (including queries, updates and
    all DDL). Now you can use spaces and other special chars in the table
    and column names (not that this is a good idea, but sometimes you have
    no choice). Turning on quoting is done per DataMap in the Modeler.
    Current behavior is backwards compatible - no quoting is a default.

    This works on MySQL, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB and a few other DBs. Oracle,
    Sybase, SQLServer testing will be performed in a couple of weeks.

    This feature will go in 3.0M6, but if you want to try it right away,
    you can build Cayenne from trunk or grab a build from Hudson (rev >=
    746523, should become available in a couple of hours) :


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