Re: Gearing up possible replacement of JEditor pane

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Mar 12 2009 - 11:21:04 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Gearing up possible replacement of JEditor pane"

    On Mar 12, 2009, at 2:11 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

    > As about the problem with resizing, I don't remember totally, but I
    > thought
    > we fixed it, did we?

    No we didn't. Look at SQLTemplate editor... So we have an option of
    either internalizing JEdit code and fix its bugs ourselves (as it is
    no longer supported by the authors), or write something new analogous
    to it.

    > No sure whether that was made
    > occasionally or not, but cursor behavior is quite weird. It is not
    > located on the place where text is inserted!

    Haven't noticed that on Mac, but I'll take another look. It is pretty
    raw anyways.


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