Callbacks tab in CM

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Mar 20 2009 - 10:42:06 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Callbacks tab in CM"

    I haven't really looked into the callbacks before, so I am curious and
    taking a peek. In Cayenne Modeler there is a "Callbacks" tab when you
    select the ObjEntity. (These comments will most likely apply to the
    "Listeners" tab for the ObjEntity and DataMap as well.) There is a
    Callback Type popup and then you click the Add Method button (which
    looks dimmed out to me, like it is disabled). Below them is a table
    with a single Method column. (Wish I could do screenshots here.) If
    you add a pre-persist callback (select it then click the Add Method
    button) and then change the Callback Type popup to post-persist, it no
    longer shows the pre-persist callback method. This seems awkward to

    I'd suggest removing the Callback Type popup from where it currently
    is and making the table below have two columns (Method, Callback
    Type). Clicking the Add Method button would add a new row to the
    table and the Callback Type column would contain a popup or pulldown
    that the user could select. This would allow the user to see all of
    their callbacks at the same time instead of hiding them. It could
    default to pre-persist (along with the default onPrePersist method
    name). If they change the Callback Type and haven't edited the method
    name (it is still at the default), then change the method name to the
    default for the selected Callback Type. If they have changed it,
    don't alter the method name.




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