Cleaned out my repo, checked the project out fresh, rebuilt clean,
still seeing problems; out of time right now, but I'll look at it
again later today .
On Apr 3, 2009, at 4/39:41 AM , Robert Zeigler wrote:
> Tried a mvn clean; mvn install before posting.
> But it's still possible that I was picking up an older build; I'll
> clean out the 3.0 branch of my local repo to be sure.
> Robert
> On Apr 3, 2009, at 4/34:50 AM , Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>> Hmm... works for me. Can you make sure you have the latest clean
>> build, as some parser classes were regenerated, so "mvn clean" is
>> needed.
>> Andrus
>> On Apr 3, 2009, at 12:36 PM, Robert Zeigler wrote:
>>> Still having issues.
>>> Even with a very basic query:
>>> select pr from ProtocolRun pr
>>> I get the following message:
>>> "Encountered " "pr"" at line 1, column 35
>>> Was expecting one of:
>>> ","...
>>> "ORDER"...
>>> "WHERE"...
>>> "GROUP"...
>>> "HAVING"...
>>> "LEFT"...
>>> "INNER"...
>>> "JOIN"...
>>> Robert
>>> On Apr 3, 2009, at 4/31:41 AM , Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>>>> On Mar 30, 2009, at 8:01 PM, Robert Zeigler wrote:
>>>>> The EJBQLQuery pane in the modeler appears to need some work, as
>>>>> well; I haven't played with it extensively, but I put entered a
>>>>> valid query and was informed by the modeler that the query was
>>>>> invalid (I use the exact same query in my application with no
>>>>> issues)... haven't filed an issue for this yet as I haven't had
>>>>> time to look into it deeper (maybe there /was/ an issue with my
>>>>> query. :) I'd prefer that to be taken care of before an M6
>>>>> release, at least. I'll see if I can look into it today and file
>>>>> an issue, if appropriate.
>>>>> Robert
>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>> could you try your query with the trunk build of the Modeler? I
>>>> just applied the last patch by Olga that fixes a few error
>>>> reporting issues. To get a detailed message you need to roll the
>>>> mouse over the line number on the left (this is a bit unobvious,
>>>> the plan is to replace it with a red circle, Eclipse style).
>>>> Andrus
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