Re: Moving SmartNamingStrategy out of modeler

From: Joseph Schmidt (
Date: Fri Apr 17 2009 - 16:35:05 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: Moving SmartNamingStrategy out of modeler"

    > Maybe what we need is a CayenneTools jar that contains all of these
    > non-essential tools that are not needed by the runtime, but are needed
    > by the modeler and the ant tasks and the maven tasks.
    this sounds like the best idea.

    There are many things in cayenne-server.jar that are not needed at
    runtime by most users. Those could go in a cayenne-tools.jar too.
    Just a few I saw quickly in cayenne-server.jar:
    /org/apache/cayenne/gen (maybe a part of it?)

    A big advantage would be also the reduced size:
    cayenne-nodeps.jar(Cayenne2) was 400k, so everybody could see that it's
    much more lightweight than all other solutions. Now, cayenne-server.jar
    (in Cayenne3) is 2MB - quite a jump in size, and now similar to
    hibernate3.jar :(.


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