Re: svn commit: r775573 [1/22] - in /cayenne/main/trunk/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/resources/org/apache/cayenne/schema/3.0: ./ images/

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun May 17 2009 - 07:49:30 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: M6"

    On May 17, 2009, at 3:36 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > * go away entirely since it requires a proprietary tool (Oxygen,
    > which I own a license for) to generate
    > * stay where it is since it is useful to live near the xsd file and
    > go up to the web site in the same location
    > * move to some other folder (I've actually just now noticed that we
    > already had a DTD file I never saw before in another location -
    > anyhow it looks a bit old and out of date, so this replacement of it
    > is probably useful).

    We definitely need to remove it from "cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished" to
    avoid inclusion of this HTML in cayenne jars. "docs/doc/src/main/
    resources" seems like a better place (and then we need to figure out a
    way to sync it to the website).

    Using Oxygen is a smaller concern to me. We can just remove these docs
    if for some reason we are unable to use Oxygen in the future. One
    thing I'd check is what does the Oxygen license says about
    redistributing generated docs and XSD. I wouldn't imagine there are
    any strings attached, still worth a look.

    > (I've actually just now noticed that we already had a DTD file I
    > never saw before in another location - anyhow it looks a bit old and
    > out of date, so this replacement of it is probably useful)

    It's been maintained till recently, but since we have a schema now, we
    should remove it.


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Sun May 17 2009 - 07:50:09 EDT