Cool :-)
On May 21, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
> Now when I know of this JDBC feature, I'd prefer to have it in Cayenne
> sooner that later. We would also want to have it for other queries
> than just
> only SelectQuery.
Absolutely. This has to be a part of the QueryMetadata on the backend.
On the frontend any query that can potentially select data should have
a corresponding setter.
> Could someone help me testing it against different types
> of database if I commit?
I can test it on almost all DB's that we support. Of course we should
have Cayenne unit tests that will provide regression (i.e. driver XYZ
doesn't throw UnsupportedOperationException when we call a
corresponding JDBC method).
In addition to that I'd like to see if there's really memory/speed
savings when using that (i.e. is it really worth it). For that I
suggest writing a JDBC test outside of Cayenne, that can be run in
profiler against different DB's.
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