On Jun 1, 2009, at 6:09 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
> 2. Deletion strategy for DataDomain. This means I do not always fire
> DeleteAction, but maybe something else (update action in my case).
Yeah, good idea to move this down the stack. I would love to have the
ObjectContext level code to stay unchanged, but then generate UPDATE
instead of DELETE at the lower levels if entity is tagged as "soft
> 1. DBEntity qualifier. This is same as ObjEntity qualifier, but
> applied
> every time DBentity is being added to select sql. I will add DBEntity
> qualifier 'deleted=false' and drop current ObjEntity's
So does that mean dropping ObjEntity qualifiers completely? (This may
or may not be a good idea, I am not yet sure myself).
Also I think there's a possibility here to address another annoyance
in one shot - the need to manually set the inheritance discriminator
column for new objects when inheritance is used. If we can add
functionality to expressions to not only "get" the value from an
object, but also "set" the value, we can do both soft delete and auto
inheritance update based on an (almost) arbitrary exception. Kind of
like OGNL framework does...
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