Re: Non-physical delete... again

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Tue Jun 02 2009 - 06:14:35 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Non-physical delete... again"

    On 02/06/2009, at 8:08 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    >> 1. Because the second most commonly used implementation will be:
    >> * boolean NOT NULL field called 'isDeleted'
    >> Could this alternative implementation be one of the 'out of the
    >> box' choices? For us, we'd want that choice per table since some
    >> tables we actually do delete (since we don't care about keeping
    >> historical data). For Cayenne, the ability to do this without too
    >> much code would be very useful and a strong 'selling point' for the
    >> framework.
    > (BTW we have another area where we could provide a sensible default
    > - the auto increment version column.)
    > What I would like to avoid is implicit invisible mappings forcing
    > user into Cayenne table/column naming conventions. The ability to
    > work on top of an (almost) arbitrary schema is a big deal in the
    > database world. Cayenne never had any such conventions (ok, except
    > for AUTO_PK_TABLE), and this was also a strong usability point.
    > Fortunately we have the Modeler, so we can achieve the best of both
    > worlds. The modeler can create a needed column and a qualifier if an
    > entity is marked as "soft delete". The user can stick with those, or
    > go and edit the names.

    For sure. I think Andrey wants to implement a generic hook so that the
    entire implementation of what 'delete' means can be replaced by an
    alternate strategy almost like specifying a lifecycle listener. That
    sounds really complex for a user to implement, but some baked-in
    strategies would be useful. You would still get to choose which column
    represents the concept of 'deleted', just as you currently choose
    which column is the inheritance discriminator in the superclass


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