Re: Modeler thoughts ...

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Aug 21 2009 - 03:00:58 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: published snapshots from trunk"

    Hi Michael,

    thanks for this list. Always good to see how the end users view things
    vs. your own assumptions about how it should work.

    On Aug 20, 2009, at 10:56 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    > [1] E/H - Found creating a new model confusing.

    Could be a valid concern especially for people who have to unlearn
    stuff. The existing tutorial should help, but of course it is not
    built in the Modeler. I recommend the new users to spend half an hour
    on the tutorial. This usually answers all these questions.

    > [2] E - Wanted the OS X concept of a wrapper/bundle for the model
    > files. Essentially, he wanted to be able to name his model file
    > (something other than cayenne.xml), but as we talked more he wanted a
    > bundle that he can name ("MyProject" -> MyProject.cayenne directory)
    > and then the cayenne.xml, etc files would be under there.

    Somewhat related to that, there's a plan to allow multiple mappings
    from unrelated projects to get merged in runtime, so better modularity
    can be achieved. As for placing mappings in a folder, we've had this
    discussion before. I don't see much point to it.

    > [3] H - One guy used Cayenne quite a bit, but eventually ditched the
    > modeler and edited the XML by hand. "It's not intuitive. I was
    > confused. I remember having so many problems setting up the correct
    > path so when files were generated they had the right path and package
    > names." I'm not sure which version of the modeler he was using, but
    > probably 2.x.

    This was a long standing bug. It is fixed in 3.0M6. But if his only
    problem was class generation, I don't understand why he ditched the
    Modeler? I use the Modeler for all work *except* class generation, for
    which I'd use Ant/Maven.

    > [4] M/E/H - Allow multiple projects to be open at the same time. The
    > EOF guy considered this a bug.


    > [5] H - More useful validation. "When it is validating the mapping
    > file, I dont find its output useful at all. Since the mapping works
    > despite the warnings raised in the modeler, I question the value of
    > those warnings." I think he was probably using 2.x then.

    Not sure what he means. Some examples would be helpful. Warnings are
    very useful to me at least. All of them are important.

    > [8] E - "I can't figure out how to flatten a relationship." I had to
    > fess up and tell him that I didn't know, either.

    Cayenne is different from EOF in having separate DB and object layers
    of metadata, so naturally the process will be different. Use inspector
    button on the ObjRelationship panel to set a db path (current trunk
    also includes support for attribute flattenning via a similar UI).

    > [10] M - If you select an ObjEntity and look at the attributes, then
    > resize a column (say, Java Type) so you can read everything in the
    > column, then select something else, then come back to that same
    > ObjEntity, the column doesn't retain the size you had set. I suspect
    > this applies to more than just the attributes tab (too lazy to go try
    > the others right now).

    +1. There's a Jira being implemented right now that would memorize the
    column width for all tables.


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