Re: Making sense of callbacks

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Wed Sep 23 2009 - 20:15:04 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Making sense of callbacks"

    On 24/09/2009, at 6:14 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Hi Andrey,
    > Thanks for your comments. This made me tweak my initial suggestion,
    > resulting in something that hopefully makes more sense. So here is
    > an attempt to show the full callback picture with suggested changes
    > (grouping things by the object pre-commit state):
    > postLoad
    > NEW:
    > prePersist (called after registration in context)
    > preInsert (POTENTIAL NEW CALLBACK; called before commit) [1]
    > postPersist (called after commit)

    The naming of these is a little less unintuitive though. What about:
    postInsert (called after registration in context)
    prePersist (called just before commit, but after validation)
    postPersist (called after commit)

    This - naming-wise - would fit better with the modified callbacks, no?

    > preUpdate (called before commit)
    > postUpdate (called after commit)
    > DELETED:
    > preRemove (called before deleting in context, and before delete
    > rules are evaluated)
    > preUpdate (POTENTIAL REMOVED CALLBACK; called before commit) [2]
    > postRemove (called after commit)
    > postUpdate (POTENTIAL REMOVED CALLBACK; called after commit) [3]
    > [1] We definitely need this callback here for the new objects right
    > before commit. My suggestion of reusing "preUpdate" here was based
    > on the fact that all my pre-commit code for NEW and MODIFIED objects
    > is exactly the same, so it seems that from implementation standpoint
    > the event is almost identical. On the other hand, "postUpdate" is
    > indeed redundant for NEW objects. So using pre/postUpdate for NEW
    > does break the symmetry...
    > [2] While there's no overlap with a real "preUpdate" in possible
    > callback functionality here, and we need to remove this one, this
    > leaves a gap (just like with NEW objects) that needs to be filled
    > with some "preCommitDeleted" callback.
    > [3] Definitely needs to be removed. It is being passed TRANSIENT
    > objects and is really out of place (though still JPA compatible :-)).
    > I guess completely renaming callbacks to be aligned with Cayenne
    > (rather than JPA) lifecycle could be a good thing (persist -> insert|
    > create, remove -> delete, etc.), and may go a long way in clarifying
    > what is called and when. It is the end of a long day here, so I am
    > not ready to suggest any better naming right away, but regardless of
    > the naming, if we just make the changes above, I think we can
    > provide the existing users a clear set of instructions on how to
    > migrate existing callbacks to the new set. FWIW I'll be able to try
    > it myself on a large application without waiting for the B1 release.
    > Andrus
    > On Sep 23, 2009, at 8:53 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >> Hi Andrus,
    >> I also suffered missing "preInsert" listener a number of times.
    >> But, I think
    >> the moment of when listeners are called (and which of them are
    >> called)
    >> should be easily guessed by what is happening to the object.
    >> 1. call pre/postUpdate for new objects. So new objects will have
    >>>> pre/postPersist as well as pre/postUpdate callbacks. Of course
    >>>> the main
    >>>> motivation is that preUpdate is called before save, not after
    >>>> context
    >>>> insert, so all the relationships are in place.
    >> So there will be four calls in total at object creation. I don't
    >> think it is
    >> transparent that pre- and postUpdate will be called - after all, no
    >> updates
    >> are ever made!
    >>> 2. stop calling pre/postUpdate for removed objects. This is
    >>> causing grief
    >>>> when we need to access relationships of a deleted object.
    >> I'm confused. Are pre/postUpdate methods really called for deleted
    >> objects?
    >> If this is so, it definitely must be stopped I think. Only pre/
    >> postRemove
    >> should be called..
    >> What will be wrong if we just add new type of event - preInsert?
    >> Users
    >> aren't obligated to implement any listener class, after all. I'm
    >> afraid the
    >> changes you suggest will break a lot of existing code
    >> Thanks,

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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