Re: Adding enums?

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Sep 25 2009 - 10:27:45 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Adding enums?"

    I've started looking into this. How about calling the sorting
    direction enum Direction or SortOrder instead of Order? (I can see
    people using an ORM having an Order class already, which might be a
    bit confusing ... sorting your Orders by an Order ...) With the
    change, you'd end up with a constructor something like:

    public Ordering(String sortPathSpec, Direction/SortOrder sortingDirection) {...}

    I think we should fix the case sensitive flag while we are at it.
    Thoughts on the name for that one? Here is the constructor ...

    public Ordering(String sortPathSpec, Direction/SortOrder
    sortingDirection, boolean caseInsensitive) {...}

    One option is to make the Direction/SortOrder enum look something like:

    public enum Direction/SortOrder {

    Then you don't need the third parameter.



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