On Sep 28, 2009, at 4:08 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:
> So from what I can see the only two changes required were
> 'postInsert' and adjusting the meaning of prePersist
I also tend to think that less is better. This discussion thread was a
nice brainstorming on the callbacks use patterns. So we've played with
a few things and now I am fine if we go a full circle to the minimal
change suggested earlier, and don't worry about JPA users, extra
delete callbacks, or symmetry between callback types (in many respects
there's little symmetry if you look at the object lifecycle - http://cayenne.apache.org/doc/persistent-object-lifecycle.html)
So here is the change I am going to make:
1. Call "prePersist" before commit
2. Introduce "postAdd" instead of current "prePersist".
This change is minimal and is not incompatible with other ideas.
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