Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Sep 29 2009 - 03:47:31 EDT

  • Next message: Evgeny Ryabitskiy: "Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )"

    On Sep 28, 2009, at 11:09 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

    > If I explicitly set JDBC type in bind directive, I get right type
    > (the one
    > that I have set explicitly).

    Good to know.

    > Set whole result is a solution but also not so flexible. If I have
    > select
    > from 10 columns and want change type of only one column I should
    > pass all 10
    > types (where 9 is same that returns by default).

    Agree, this is painful, done for purely implementation reasons and is
    something we should handle better.

    > I wish to have ability to optionally set result type for several
    > columns
    > from API.
    > I have very simple idea: To have standard Object-wrapper (name like
    > "BindValue" or something like that) that contains reference to
    > Object (or
    > null) and it's JDBC type and precision.
    > After we touch BindDirective to work with this "BindValue", we can
    > anytime
    > pass BindValue and explicitly set JDBC type through API.

    I like the idea, but maybe we can take this even further, and provide
    an API substitute for the entire directive, e.g. instead of


    we'd have


    i.e. from the user standpoint, extra #bind(..) wrapper seems
    redundant. Now wonder if we can extend that to other directives, such
    as #result?

    What do you think?


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