Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Oct 03 2009 - 07:52:21 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Making sense of callbacks"

    On Sep 30, 2009, at 6:21 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:
    > Without this option I have to variants:
    > 1) Change #bind($....) to $... everywhere and every time pass our
    > special mapping objects to parameters (I will die/be killed by
    > colleges early...).

    So this argument is based on the fact that people are using #bind()
    already. With the new approach they'd just need to optionally change
    the Java parameter code, and the alternative would be to change both
    template code as well as Java code. I am still not convinced that the
    second option is any harder or more confusing. To me the first option
    is confusing actually - when I pass a binding object, and the
    directive already has some properties, it is not immediately obvious
    which set of properties will take effect.

    > 2) Use not general style in SQLTemplate, somewhere with #bind,
    > somewhere not... Firstly it's confusing... Second Is potential errors
    > when I forget where I should pass simple Object and where is special
    > bind object.

    Our current approach with Velocity templates is by definition error-
    prone, as there's no parameter type checking anywhere. IMO adding the
    new option won't make it better or worse in this respect.

    Just like you in this case, I always look at the new API from the
    point of view of whether it is internally consistent and easy to
    explain to the end users. In this case I think having
    "$xyzSpecialObject" as an alternative to an "#XYZ" directive seems
    like a straightforward symmetrical replacement. At the same time using
    "#XYZ($xyzSpecialObject $p1 $p2 $p3)" as a way to override some
    parameters appears indeterministic to an uninitiated person.


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