> It doesn't matter how this represented *inside* the builder class, as
> builder is used only once per query. On the other hand, coming out of the
> builder it must be optimized, as access to the column descriptors array is
> performed N*M times during each result set processing, where N is the width
> of the result set, and M is its length. I.e. it can be a very large number
> (up to tens or hundreds of millions calls). Every small optimization matters
> here.
So.. I was talking exactly about optimization... HashedSet array can
be faster cause we perform several scans over whole array of
ColumnDescriptors. And safety cause we don't get duplicates for
Columns. And.. I didn't get you position about this idea
> This is something I don't know. We need to check about a dozen of drivers
> from different vendors that we support to verify that. This is just a getter
> in the interface. Implementors could've made it anything.
I have looked through JTDS drivers (not a dozen but a least one).
ResultSet has all information about columns (just private final
ColInfo[] columns).
When getMetaData performed - constructs new Object that has reference
to array of columns from ResultSet .
Looks like there is no problem with JTDS.
>> The problem that if we don't set ResultSetMetadata like in current
>> (trunk) version, without ResultSetMetadata we don't know all
>> columns..
> Not true. We don't know all the columns for SQLTemplate queries. For all
> other types of queries we DO know all the columns, as Cayenne generates SQL
> from scratch for those queries. I think this one place is where we have the
> biggest mismatch in our views of the implementation.
ah... now I see. You are right that was a mismatch in our views. I
will work on it in the evening.
> Another thing to check here is actually reading column data from returned ResultSetMetadata, as lazy
> resolving of it can be postponed a step further.
Again in JTDS it's just a array of ColInfo (like our
ColumnDescriptor), it's passed to RowSet through constructor from
protocol implementation.
Evgeny Ryabitskiy.
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