Re: release countdown

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Thu Oct 22 2009 - 05:09:37 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: release countdown"

    I suggest we release final 3.0 until the end of the year. It was a long time
    since last official release, after all

    2009/10/22 Andrus Adamchik <>

    > So we are down to 5 Jiras in 3.0 list and 0 Jiras in B1 list.
    > Andrus
    > On Oct 22, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > * CAY-1067: changed issue to type to "Bug" (which it is), so we can work
    >> on it while in Beta.
    >> * CAY-1141: related to inheritance, rescheduled.
    >> * CAY-1152: may fix while in Beta, or may reschedule
    >> * CAY-1162: closed as "Won't Fix". This was related to inheritance work
    >> that got postponed.
    >> * CAY-1165: changed fix version to "Unknown". This is really low priority.
    >> * CAY-1191: partially done. Per Andrey there are still some problems. Will
    >> hopefully fix them while in Beta.
    >> * CAY-1239: rescheduled to 3.1
    >> * CAY-1260: Mostly done, but still some rough spots remain. Planning to
    >> finish it while in Beta.
    >> * CAY-1280: rescheduled to 3.1 per our conversation with Evgeny on this
    >> list
    >> * CAY-1287: this is a documentation issue
    >> Andrus
    >> On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:36 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    >> On 21/10/09 6:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>>> One more task left to do - update the user guide with things that
    >>>> changed from M6 and sync it to SVN. I will hopefully do that over the
    >>>> weekend and then assemble artifacts for a vote.
    >>>> Andrus
    >>> What are we going to do with
    >>> and
    >>> Also is CAY-1260 done?
    >>> It would be great to move everything in Jira to the right versions so it
    >>> is clear exactly what is left to do.
    >>> Ari
    >>> --
    >>> -------------------------->
    >>> Aristedes Maniatis
    >>> GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C 5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A


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