Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Oct 29 2009 - 11:03:04 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: Snow Leopard - Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1"

    Eclipse also doesn't like it, and breaks on anything EJBQL related.
    But once I build everything with Maven and refresh in Eclipse, things
    start to work again.

    I know we need to fix it. Just saying why this hasn't been a priority.


    On Oct 29, 2009, at 3:44 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > My vote is -0.
    > It seems others are able to build it, but I can't. I just ran into
    > another issue where the jjtree generation seems to be duplicating the
    > package name. So, I end up with paths like
    > "framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/target/generated-sources/
    > jjtree/org/apache/cayenne/ejbql/org/apache/cayenne/ejbql/parser/",
    > which don't match the package name. IDEA does not like this, maven
    > doesn't seem to mind. I recall seeing this before, but I thought it
    > got fixed.
    > No doubt the test failure is related to my snow leopard upgrade,
    > because all tests were passing before then. I'm not sure how long the
    > parser thing has been like this. Older versions of IDEA may have been
    > more tolerant of the bad package name and I've been tracking the EAPs.
    > --
    > Kevin
    > On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Tore Halset <>
    > wrote:
    >> Hello.
    >> I have tested it with our internal application junit test suite on
    >> PostgreSQL, Derby and MS SQL Server. No problems found.
    >> I have also done some testing of the modeler. As I have used the
    >> modeler
    >> with earlier 3.0 versions, the upgrade-project message was a bit
    >> strange.
    >> "Project needs an upgrade to a newer version. Older Project Version
    >> Detected: "3.0". Upgrade?" "3.0" is not such an old version.. I
    >> have read
    >> the separate thread regarding this issue.
    >> So, my vote is: +1
    >> - Tore.
    >> On Oct 25, 2009, at 17:49 , Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>> Release artifacts are posted here:
    >>> Please evaluate and cast your votes.
    >>> Cheers,
    >>> Andrus

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