Re: Eclipse vs. Swing (Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-762) ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler)

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Nov 02 2009 - 04:19:15 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Eclipse vs. Swing (Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-762) ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler)"

    On Nov 2, 2009, at 11:07 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > Well, there already is an ugliness that quite a bit of Modeler
    > specific code lives in the main Cayenne jar. So pulling that out
    > into a ui-core library is probably the first step. Should the main
    > Cayenne jar even know how to *write* the model into an XML file?

    Agree. We can have a cayenne-project module (i.e. something not
    belonging to either GUI or runtime).

    > Is there a possibility to work with the WOlips people on this? And
    > they are sure to chip in on the idea of writing a GUI ERDiagram
    > tool. But is EOF just too different to make it work?

    That would've been ideal, but likely won't work. IIRC Mike from WOLips
    commented on that at one point, saying it is not possible to have a
    single tool for both Cayenne and EOF. I think he looked at the Modeler
    initially (or maybe even used some of the code?) but couldn't keep it
    as a common library due to lots of "small" differences. Still probably
    worth pinging WOLips community to get some feedback on the idea.


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