On 02/11/2009, at 2:23 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
> So you've not configured callbacks in model - have you added callbacks
> through LifecycleCallbackRegistry or something? Could you give a
> snippet?
> Could you ensure that both prePersist and postAdd callbacks are
> invoked
> (e.g. add a breakpoint there). My test above shows it must be so.
Here's what I've done to test this.
-- without upgrading --
1) create record(s) on client
2) commit changes
3) logger.warn.... server.Contact#prePersist called
4) logger.warn.... server.Contact#validateForSave called
5) all saved, good.
-- after upgrade --
1) add method postAdd() to server.Contact with a logger.warn
2) create record(s) on client
3) commit changes
4) logger.warn.... server.Contact#validateForSave
5) fails validation
No lifecycle events fired after upgrade on either prePersist
(obviously as validation failed) or postAdd.
with regards,
--Lachlan Deck
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