Re: [suggestion] unmodifiable toMany lists

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Wed Nov 11 2009 - 10:44:59 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: [suggestion] unmodifiable toMany lists"

    On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Dirk Olmes <> wrote:

    >> Right. They are...but this (I believe) is too easily exposed to user
    >> code.  e.g.,
    >> for (Bar relation : foo.allBars()) {
    >>     if (some condition) {
    >>         foo.removeFromAllBars(relation); // will throw exception
    >>     }
    >> }
    > Err, why is this? Because you're modifying the collection you're
    > iterating over? I'd rather fix the iterator then.

    The "problem" exists outside the context of an iterator, too. What
    would you expect the semantics to be of the following?


    Should it just modify the in-memory list or should it represent the
    backing DB and represent a DELETE operation?

    It gets a little worse when you add your own custom collection methods
    (i.e., not DB backed) and it's not clear what type you're working

    Don't get me wrong, it's wholly a human problem. But, false
    expectations can lead to tedious debugging sessions and adoptions of
    seemingly tenuous programming habits.


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