Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Tue Nov 17 2009 - 14:53:09 EST

  • Next message: Evgeny Ryabitskiy: "Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)"

    On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Andrey Razumovsky
    <> wrote:
    > --- ROP: unify client- and server classes. i really want to see classes that
    > can work both on client and server someday.

    I've never used ROP, but a lot of us here are starting to look into
    AJAX for use in our applications and I'm wondering if some kind of
    AJAX/JSON support via ROP would be useful.

    > GUI support:
    > ---  Create Eclipse plugin for Cayenne.
    > This is a very large task, somewhat discussed at
    > Noone disputes the need of such plugin in general, but we need a leader to
    > start the project. Personally, I can't do that because of serious lack of
    > knowledge in SWT.

    I'm one of those not convinced that making an Eclipse plug-in is the
    best course. To me there is very little advantage to doing so, but
    that's just my opinion.

    > No matter whether we succeed in creation of plugin or stay with existing
    > modeler, following points must be improved from our current state:
    > --- Add some graphical modeling editor for ER and Class diagrams (CAY-762).
    > Maybe be able to import some existing formats.

    Generating diagrams has never been high on my list, but I know some
    love it. I'm just not sure the path that should be taken to do so.

    > --- Stop using HSQL internally in modeling (e.g. switch to JDK preferences).
    > It is slow and buggy.

    Yes! :-)

    > --- Make GUI tool it more user-friendly (many JIRAs for that, also was a
    > thread recently, can't find it now). we really can improve user interface
    > (remove extra clicks, change button positioning etc) and design.

    That was probably the thread I started ... especially the 8/20/2009 12:55pm one:

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