Not exactly. What we need for future use is class "between" PO and CDO. It
should have DO functionality for easy use, but no values stored in hashMap.
In my vision, this class will replace CDO. It is not nessesarily modified PO
class, as I suggested before, but maybe a new class.
2009/11/19 Andrus Adamchik <>
> On Nov 19, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
> 1. Moving methods from CDO up to PersistentObject, making PersistentObject
>> implement DataObject.
> In fact PO was split from CDO in the past to move it the POJO way (as well
> as somewhat coincidentally - the ROP way). I don't want to lose that work.
> So I'd say we simply start supporting CDO in ROP and PO on the server, and
> let the users decide on their preferred inheritance.
> Andrus
-- Andrey
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