Re: Accessing object metadata and other utilities

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Tue Nov 24 2009 - 06:58:40 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Nested ROP contexts and relationships"

    CayUtils? I'm good with Cayenne, too.


    On Nov 24, 2009, at 11/245:53 AM , Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > [As suggested in the parent thread, forking a new thread]
    > On Nov 24, 2009, at 1:41 PM, Robert Zeigler wrote:
    >> I'll second that. I ran into a very similar use case yesterday in a
    >> hibernate project... I was wanting to get at hibernate's version of
    >> ClassDescription, and it took me forever to track down the right
    >> way to do it; once I knew how, it was simple enough, and just a few
    >> lines of code, but I fear the above would cause a new Cayenne user
    >> the same level of frustration I experienced yesterday with
    >> Hibernate. ;)
    > I wouldn't mind if we add methods for ClassDescriptor lookups to the
    > DataObjectUtils. BTW PersistentObject defines 'getObjEntity' method.
    > I'd say we replace that with 'getClassDescriptor' and move it to a
    > utility class.
    > While we are at it, maybe rename DataObjectUtils to something more
    > appropriate and shorter. CayenneUtil? Cayenne? ("Util" is already
    > taken, and I'd rather it identify the origin of the framework).
    > I sort of like calling it just "Cayenne" (for the same reasons of
    > user simplicity), but then it implies this is a central class in the
    > framework, and has more than just lookup-by-pk or give-me-metadata
    > methods.
    > Andrus

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