Re: Nested ROP contexts and relationships

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Nov 24 2009 - 09:54:30 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Nested ROP contexts and relationships"

    >> My question is - why
    >> can't we have "silent" addTargetDirectly and removeTargetDirectly for
    >> to-many properties? This will allow as to manage event cycles.

    I guess we can. This should replace "addReverse" parameter in the
    appropriate method. Talking from memory here, I may not remember all
    the stumbling blocks there (or even the full cycle of property
    setting). So if you can make it work, excellent.

    Also to make sure we are talking about the same thing... The question
    is who will be the owner of these methods - Object itself (as in DO),
    a to-many collection, or to-many property descriptor? I am thinking
    "property descriptor" (and possibly an underlying collection).

    > For POJOs and DO's it can work same as non-silent one, and for ROPs
    > it will
    > differ

    "directly" means it won't trip a DB operation. So ideally it should
    work the same for all..

    So ... another attempt at abstract analysis (or an attempt at
    unwinding my memory...) IIRC the main difference between DO and PO is
    fault handling - we can store a Fault instance in a map, but not in a
    typed ivar. So PO's have no concepts of faults at all, and the
    lifecycle is different. DO approach is more lazy (it won't try to
    create even a placeholder collection until the property is accessed),
    and I prefer it to PO's. Wonder if when we reconcile that somehow, the
    rest will fall into place on its own??

    (E.g. for PO's, we generate extra boolean "fault" properties for each
    relationship, that are checked on every property access?)


    On Nov 24, 2009, at 4:33 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

    > For POJOs and DO's it can work same as non-silent one, and for ROPs
    > it will
    > differ
    > 2009/11/24 Andrey Razumovsky <>
    >> Now returning to my main goal - it is to allow PersistentObject
    >> subclasses
    >> work correctly on server and cannot be done without changing
    >> PersistentObjectHolder's event procession.
    >> The only reason that we have those PropertyChangeProcessingStrategy
    >> and
    >> many threadLocals all around is that PersistentObject-collections
    >> must
    >> notify context unlike ToMany-collections. So, if we are setting
    >> reverse arc
    >> via add() or remove() we get infinite loops an other nasty things.
    >> We already have readProperty/readPropertyDirectly pair for simple
    >> properties, where readPropertyDirectly is "silent". My question is
    >> - why
    >> can't we have "silent" addTargetDirectly and removeTargetDirectly for
    >> to-many properties? This will allow as to manage event cycles. I
    >> think this
    >> will eliminate threadlocals and make Cayenne code simpler and safer
    > --
    > Andrey

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