Re: Nested ROP contexts and relationships

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Tue Nov 24 2009 - 15:36:02 EST

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    Just committed changes in ROP event processing. In a nutshell, changes are:
    -removed all ThreadLocals and PropertyChangeProcessingStrategy
    -removed CCGraphAction & DCGraphAction to the glory of OCGraphAction
    -added to methods to ToManyProperty
    -added util.Cayenne class with some internal and external methods
    -added new "Light Server Superclass" template. It allows to generate
    ROP-like server classes (in fact, it allows same classes for server &
    client). Classes like that can be generated through "Advanced" menu.
    Currently it is adviced to set superclass
    "org.apache.cayenne.PersistentObject" (nothing else tested)
    -added little test (LightServerTest) for testing ROP-like server classes.
    very simple, still need to figure out how to create test stacks for server &
    client at once

    my war against two branches of classes continues :)

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