Re: Build failed in Hudson: Cayenne-trunk » JDK 1.6 (latest) #30

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Wed Nov 25 2009 - 15:15:57 EST

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "selectQuery.setFetchLimit problem"

    good news, now build takes 12 minutes

    2009/11/25 Andrey Razumovsky <>

    > OK, I'll commit my workaround again. Hope it will not fail as it did before
    > 2009/11/25 Aristedes Maniatis <>
    > On 26/11/09 1:36 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >>> 2009/11/7 Andrey Razumovsky<>
    >>>> * build javadocs and publish to web site (nightly javadocs I maintain
    >>>>> there)\
    >>>> Could you check then that docs are copied from
    >>>> "docs/doc/target/site/apidocs"? I've got a workaround for our
    >>>> javadoc-plugin
    >>>> problem, but it builds docs only there (and I think it's correct). After
    >>>> that, I'll commit the change again.
    >> My script is copying the docs from there into the live web site. The
    >> script runs nightly. It seems to work OK since it isn't running inside
    >> Hudson yet.
    >> currently our builds take hours, so we need to fix it. So where does
    >>> Hudson
    >>> take docs to publish from?
    >> Well, about 30-40 minutes [1] It seems to vary a lot but that could be the
    >> load on the server rather than anything else.
    >> The docs are not yet coming from Hudson since I had problems with that.
    >> I'll get it working soon hopefully. The admin things I'm trying to do right
    >> now:
    >> 1. get support from the Hudson admins to put the db connection file into
    >> the right place so we can properly test all databases.
    >> 2. get Hudson building javadocs
    >> 3. copy the Confluence space
    >> 4. tidy up the web site menus
    >> 5. other marketing things
    >> Mostly I'm finding technology is not bending to my will right now...
    >> Ari
    >> [1]
    >> --
    >> -------------------------->
    >> Aristedes Maniatis
    >> GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C 5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A
    > --
    > Andrey


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