Re: Singletons in Cayenne and problems. Can I use multiple transactions?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Dec 02 2009 - 02:31:01 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: [jira] Created: (CAY-1324) Update quick start tutorials"

    Sure. I am fine with keeping it as well. I guess this is mainly a
    documentation issue - it has to be mentioned that this is just one
    possible usage pattern, not *the* way to access ObjectContext.


    On Dec 1, 2009, at 8:51 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

    > I agree with Andrey here. I think it is better for Cayenne to provide
    > this in a consistent/standardized way for those who want it rather
    > than requiring people to roll their own each time. Those who need
    > something more complex can implement something more complex, but let's
    > keep the common case easy/standard.
    > mrg
    > On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Andrey Razumovsky
    > <> wrote:
    >> 2009/12/1 Andrus Adamchik <>
    >>> This is just a convenience in Cayenne. Nobody's forced to use it.
    >>> I will go
    >>> as far as to suggest to remove it from Cayenne 3.1 as a built-in
    >>> feature,
    >>> and just document it as a possible design pattern in a user
    >>> application.
    >> I'm -1. We can see some profit in moving it from BC class (say, to
    >> new
    >> "Cayenne" utility). But I'm sure it is widely used by everyone who
    >> uses
    >> Cayenne in web apps (or maybe even in desktop apps)

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