
From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Fri Dec 04 2009 - 04:13:13 EST

  • Next message: ςΡΒΙΓΛΙΚ εΧΗΕΞΙ: "RE: Tutorials"

    I think I am giving up on an idea of a Maven-free tutorial. It will be
    just too hard for us to maintain... In return for introducing Maven to
    the "Getting Started" tutorials we'll get a these benefits:

    * Maven-based web container start (I am at a loss which webapp Eclipse
    plugin to recommend to users these days... They either suck or
    unsupported and out of date... I am personally using a Jetty launcher
    with main class that I wrote).

    * Declarative dependency management (instead of "download Derby from
    here", we just tell them to place it in the pom).

    * Tutorials code can be built together with Cayenne core, so they
    never become invalid (and there's a better chance they will be
    maintained), and also can be easily bundled with a release.

    The downsides are:

    * Some people just won't bother using Maven

    * Since dependency management is transparent, we don't show how to
    include dependent jars in the project.

    I guess Maven wins...


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