Re: DI-based configuration works

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Dec 06 2009 - 18:26:52 EST

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    Forgot one more important new feature:

    * Any Cayenne extensions provided by users in the XML (custom
    DbAdapters, DataSourceFactories, etc) are passed through an injector
    on creation, so they don't have to rely on app-specific kludges to
    obtain various environment services (e.g. ResourceLocator). So you can
    do something like this:

    class MyDataSourceFactory implements DataSourceFactory {

       private ResourceLocator resourceLocator;

       private SomeofMyOnwServices service1;



    On Dec 6, 2009, at 6:20 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > An update on the new DI configuration... The new DI stack is now
    > usable as a fully functional alternative to Configuration. I created
    > an integration test module [1], showing how Cayenne can be started
    > using the new approach. Actually it is as simple as that:
    > CayenneServerRuntime runtime = new CayenneServerRuntime(;
    > ObjectContext context = runtime.newContext();
    > BTW "Server" in runtime name implies that we should be able to build
    > a "Client" runtime for ROP stack in the future (actually should be
    > quite easy). Configuration is done in a DI "module" class. Here is a
    > standard one that can be amended or partially overridden by the
    > users - [2]. Some highlights:
    > * The new configuration provides all the same functionality as the
    > old one (except for JNDI preferences hack, which will turn into a
    > first class feature once CAY-1327 is implemented).
    > * The new configuration is using a single-domain format compatible
    > with CAY-1318.
    > * The new configuration loads descriptors from uniquely named files,
    > such as "cayenne-stackname.xml, so there's no more single
    > cayenne.xml file, and less chance of odd naming conflicts between
    > multiple jars.
    > * Rewrote a bunch of old configuration code, which is now so much
    > cleaner, mainly due to the design with injection in mind. There are
    > still some rough spots in the service definitions and some functions
    > missing in DI that I'd like to have, but it fully works as is.
    > * Better project model representation. I finally separated
    > configuration objects (DataDomainDescriptor, DataNodeDescriptor)
    > from runtime objects (DataDomain, DataNode). This made the runtime
    > code cleaner, and also opens possibilities for cleaner Modeler code
    > (currently there are lots of hacks to "edit" runtime objects).
    > * Added a number of important pluggable abstractions [2], such as
    > ResourceLocator.
    > * Performance... I didn't see any difference in application startup
    > time on a simple app between the new and the old stack.
    > So the next step is to finish CAY-1318 (which is mainly about
    > upgrading the old projects to the new format), and to do the switch
    > to the new configuration. In terms of public API, I think that most
    > of the classes in org.apache.cayenne.conf will have to go. There's
    > no point in deprecating them (although I sort of did it in a few
    > places already), as the framework will not use them at all. One
    > possible interim step is moving all these classes from runtime jars
    > to the Modeler, so that the Modeler could read older project files
    > and perform needed upgrades. At a later point we may also refactor
    > the Modeler to use the new configuration classes, as mentioned above.
    > Also there's more work to be done to align the new config with the
    > current config expectations (such as a singleton configuration...
    > what do you think, do we need to keep it?? , provide an analog of
    > FileConfiguration, etc.)
    > Andrus
    > [1]
    > [2]

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